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All the information on this website and our associated Walks4all YouTube channel is designed as a guide only - you agree to take full responsibility for any use you make of the information contained in these pages.

Remember safety first and don't attempt walks beyond your capability.

We've tried our best to make the walk descriptions and GPS files as accurate as we can, however, there will be some differences between the various GPS devices/data formats/interpretation and with anything electronic, there could potentially be errors in the data. These files may not include any path closures, short-term diversions or changes to footpaths made subsequent to the time of generating the file.

The GPX files and any maps generated from them and this website show an approximate route and may not necessarily be the best one for you to take based on current conditions. Landscapes, especially in winter, at times of heavy rainfall or in bad visibility, can quickly change. A GPS track recorded on a dry, clear day might not be the best route when wet, snow-covered or in bad visibility. Do not blindly follow a GPS track, stay aware of your surroundings and make choices on what you see, not from a line on your GPS device/mobile.

We also do not recommend that you use the GPS tracks as the only tool for your navigation. Take an Ordnance Survey paper map of the area/route as that cannot run out of power! Ensure you carry a compass and have the skill to use them both.

By downloading the GPS files, you acknowledge that walks are undertaken entirely at your own risk and that Walks4all Limited can accept no responsibility or liability, nor gives any warranty, as to the accuracy or usability of these files or to any of the information on this page or the website. If you do find that a route in the GPS track you download is incorrect, paths have changed or the file is not working, please contact us at to let us know.